Configure Frame Relay 257
Perform the following configurations in interface view.
Table 296 Configure Frame Relay Compression on multipoint interface
By default, Frame Relay payload compression is disable.
On the 3Com Router, both the Frame Relay main interfaces and sub-interfaces can
be multipoint interfaces.
Enable/Disable TCP/IP
Header Compression on
Frame Relay supports TCP/IP header compression. Only when the packet format of
Frame Relay interface is nonstandard, can TCP/IP header compression be
executed. TCP/IP header compression can be designated both on the interface and
on configuring static address mapping.
Perform the following task in synchronous interface view.
Table 297 Enable/Disable TCP/IP Header Compression on Interfaces
By default, interfaces use initiative compression.
Configure Frame Relay
Fragment (FRF.12)
1 Configure Frame Relay Fragment Attributes
When voice and data are transmitted concurrently, transmission of a large data
packet will occupy the bandwidth for a relatively long time. This will cause delay
and even drop of voice packets behind it, and hence degrade the voice quality. The
purpose of configuring Frame Relay fragmentation is to shorten voice delay and
ensure real-time voice transmission. After configuring fragmentation, large
packets will be fragmented into small data fragments. These smaller and less
delay-causing data fragments and the voice packets are interspersed for
transmission to ensure an even flow of voice packets into the networks.
Table 298 Configure Frame Relay Fragment
Operation Command
Create a Frame Relay map, and enable Frame Relay
compression on the DLCI
fr map { ip | ipx }
protocol-address dlci dlci
compression frf9
Delete the Frame Relay map, and disable Frame
Relay compression
undo fr map { ip | ipx }
protocol-address dlci dlci
Operation Command
Enable TCP/IP Header Compression on Interfaces fr compression vj [ passive ]
Disable TCP/IP Header Compression on Interfaces undo fr compression vj
Operation Command
Create a Frame Relay class fr class class-name
Delete a Frame Relay class undo fr class class-name
Configure the Frame Relay fragment size fragment fragment-size {
data-level | voice-level }
Disable Frame Relay fragmentation undo fragment [ fragment-size {
data-level | voice-level } ]
Associate a Frame Relay class with a Frame
Relay interface or PVC
fr-class class-name