
Upgrade the 3Com Router Main Program Software 43
remote FTP user sends a request to the FTP server, and the server will perform
actions accordingly and return the execution result to the subscriber.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
Table 18 Enable FTP server
Upgrade the 3Com Router Main Software with FTP
1 Assign an IP address to the interface on the router for connecting the router to the
host running the FTP client program.
2 Using the Windows98 FTP client program as an example — place the file to be
uploaded on a specified directory, C:\temp for example, on the FTP client.
3 Open the DOS window, enter FTP X.X.X.X (where X.X.X.X represents the IP
address of the router), and enter the user name and password as prompted:
Connected to
220 FTP service ready on the 3Com Router at
User ( cjj
331 Password required for cjj.
230 User cjj logged in .
4 After the authentication is passed, the FTP client displays the prompt ftp> enter
binary after the prompt, and set the upload directory on the FTP client.
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> lcd c:\temp
Local directory now C:\temp.
5 At the prompt ftp>, set a directory for the FTP server (the router). By default, the
file name of the 3Com Router main program is “system”, which is case sensitive.
You can modify the file name using the
ftp-server system-name command on
the router. For details, refer to
Configure FTP.
ftp> dir
200 Port command okay.
150 okay.
config 1007 Bytes
system 5802368 Bytes
226 Data transmit over.
ftp: 76 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 76000.00Kbytes/sec.
6 At the prompt ftp>, enter the put LocalFile [ RemoteFile ] command to
upload the specified file to the router.
RemoteFile must be the name of the
system file on the router.
ftp> put 3Com Router 1.71 system
200 Port command okay.
150 Server okay , now receive file.
226 file transmit success.
ftp: 5802263 bytes sent in 80.74Seconds 71.86Kbytes/sec.
Operation Command
Enables the FTP server ftp-server enable
Disables the FTP server undo ftp-server enable