Assure that the commands dialer rule dialer-group and dialer-group
dialer-group adopt the same dialer-group.
Do not concurrently configure the functional arguments of the protocol-name and
acl-number for the same
dialer rule command when configuring a dialer ACL.
Configuring Circular DCC If Circular DCC is used, each physical interface can either be directly configured
with the DCC parameters, or bound to a dialer interface to inherit the DCC
parameters through a dialer circular group. Between these two options,
configuring the DCC parameters directly on a physical interface is only applicable
for a single interface to originate calls to one or more remote ends. However, a
dialer circular group is also applicable for multiple interfaces to originate calls to
one or more remote ends in addition to that.
Dialer circular group associates a dialer interface with a group of physical
interfaces. The DCC configuration of this dialer interface are automatically
inherited by all the physical interfaces in the dialer circular group. After
configuring the parameters for the dialer circular group, any physical interface in
the group can call any predefined destination if the dialer interface is associated
with multiple destinations.
Depending on the network topology and DCC dialing demands, such as one
interface or multiple interfaces can both originate and receive calls, the user can
flexibly use one configuration or the combination of several configurations in the
Circular DCC configurations introduced below.
In the circular DCC implementation of DCC, the two dial parties can configure
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or Challenge-Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP) authentication. However, the other party must configure
authentication if one party has done that. For security of the dialing ID, you should
configure authentication in actual networking applications. For configuration
methods, see the section in Operation Manual - Link Layer Protocol and note the
following items at the same time:
■ At the sending side, if DCC is directly enabled on the physical interface, directly
configure PAP or CHAP authentication on the physical interface. If DCC is
enabled through a dialer circular group, configure PAP or CHAP authentication
on the dialer interface.
■ When configuring PAP or CHAP authentication at the receiving end, the user is
recommended to make the configuration on both physical and dialer
interfaces. That is because the physical interface will first implement PPP
negotiation and authenticate the validity of the dialing user when receiving a
DCC call request, and then deliver the call to the upper layer DCC module for
Configuring an interface to originate calls to a remote end
Perform the following configuration steps after the basic DCC configuration is
completed. As shown in
Figure 226, a local interface originates a call to a single
remote end.