
Enter the list name in the DDP Type (low) field and leave this field blank. if you
are creating an DDP Type filter, and want to specify one or more ranges of DDP
Types with a DDP Type list.
For additional information, refer to “DDP Type (low)” later in this chapter.
Note: The creation of DDP Type filters and DDP Type lists is similar—the DDP Type
(low) and DDP Type (high) parameters are used to establish a range for filtering
packets. For more information about creating a DDP Type list, refer to “DDP Type
Lists” earlier in this chapter.
DDP Type (low)
Sets the lower boundary of the range for filtering a DDP Type packet based on the
contents of its DDP Type field, or sets the lower boundary for a DDP Type filter list.
Enter the DDP Type in this field and leave the DDP Type (high) field blank if you
are filtering a single DDP Type.
Enter the lowest DDP Type in this field and enter the highest DDP Type in the
DDP Type (high) field if you are filtering a range of DDP Types.
Enter the list name in this field and leave the DDP Type (high) field blank if you
are creating a DDP Type filter and want to establish the range of DDP Types with
a DDP Type list.
For additional information, refer to “DDP Type (high)” earlier in this chapter.
Default Zone Name
Functional when Seed Router set to ‘‘Yes’’. Determines the default zone used by
inquiring nodes. A zone is a logical grouping of networks. Such a logical grouping
can be confined to a single network or span multiple networks within the AppleTalk
internet. Each zone is identified by a zone name, a string of up to 32 printable
characters (including the SPACE character).
Note: A 32-character limit is applied when entering a zone name. For specific
information, refer to your router configuration guide.
Dest Net (high)
Sets the upper boundary of the range for filtering a datagram based on the contents
of its destination network field.
Leave this field blank if you do not want to filter AppleTalk destination networks.
Leave this field blank and enter the AppleTalk network number in the Dest Net
(low) field if you are filtering a single AppleTalk destination network.
Enter the highest AppleTalk network number in the range if you are filtering a
range of AppleTalk destination networks.
AppleTalk Parameters
Parameters and Options