LAN ID (Hex)
Sets the LAN ID of a particular interface. You must assign a unique LAN ID to
each bridge interface that uses source routing (including non-token ring
Default: 1
Disable: Leave blank
Range: 0 to fff (hexadecimal)
Leave this field blank if you don’t want to enable source routing.
Enable source routing by entering a value between 0 and FFF (hexadecimal).
Note: You must enter LAN ID in hexadecimal format for each node running
Release 5.70 software or later. All nodes on a token ring must have equivalent
Learning Bridge
Enables the bridging service in the router to automatically learn the addresses of
the nodes communicating through the service and on which side of the bridge
each node is located. The bridge learns the node addresses from the source
address field in each packet it receives. It learns which side the node is on by
noting which port receives the packet. The bridge adds entries to the bridge
address table for each new address it sees.
Default: Yes
Enables automatic learning of the source address and location from which
bridged packets are received.
Disables Learning Bridge operation.
Sets the length of the bit pattern of a filtered field when creating a user-defined
List Name
Accepts the name of a MAC address list, Ethernet Type list, SAP list, or Protocol
ID/Organization Code list.
Loop Detection
Time (Hex)
Time period for detecting a loop in the network. When the bridge receives an all-
routes explorer packet (ARE) for a particular source-destination pair, a time
stamp is stored in the appropriate entry in the Source Routing Intermediate
Station table. If the bridge receives another ARE for the same source destination
pair before the loop loop detection timer expires, a loop exists in the network
and the bridge drops the packet to reduce the hop count.
Default: 1000 (ms)
Low Value (hex)
Sets the lower boundary of the range for filtering a frame based on a user-defined
bit pattern (hexadecimal value) within the MAC or data-link header.
Bridge Parameters
Parameters and Options