
Local DTE Address
Sets the network-supplied decimal number (X.121 Address) identifying the interface
between the router and the X.25 network. After assigning the local DTE address, the
screen prompts for X.25 address map data.
Lowexxr Circuit Name
Assigns the circuit providing the LAPB service. Enter the name of the previously
configured LAPB circuit.
Sets the minimum LCN for a permanent virtual circuit (PVC). The LCN is a decimal
number that identifies the PVC.
Default: 33
Range: 0 to 4095
Note: PVC LCN ranges and SVC LCN ranges must not overlap.
Sets the minimum LCN for a switched virtual circuit (SVC). The LCN is a decimal
number identifying the switched virtual circuit.
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 4095
Note: PVC LCN ranges and SVC LCN ranges must not overlap.
Max Conns
Specifies the maximum number of connections simultaneously established with IP
Address. The X.25 PDN service clears any incoming calls exceeding this limit.
Similarly, the X.25 PDN service makes no attempt to place out going calls that would
exceed this limit. The establishment of multiple connections with a single destination
may improve throughput by increasing the window size.
Default: 2
1, 2, 3, 4
Max Idle Time (secs)
Specifies the maximum period that a call can remain idle. After the expiration of max
idle timer, the router clears the call. This parameter is intended to minimize CPU and
network overhead during periods of low datagram traffic. If Min Idle Time (secs) is
set to 0, this parameter is ignored.
Default: 120
Range: 0 to 9999
Note: If the IP router uses the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), you should set the
Max Idle Time parameter to a value greater than 30 seconds (the RIP update period)
to prevent call/clear thrashing.
X.25 Service Parameters
Parameters and Options