Connected module is non-link:
Meaning: The adapter card cannot be identified by the driver. These IDs are listed
in table A-1 in the “hw: Hardware Information Base” section in chapter
Action: Verify the adapter card hardware.
not on this module
Meaning: The configuration record reflects a non-existent physical connector.
Action: Modify Connector in the line record in the configuration.
Connector out of range
Meaning: The configuration contains an invalid Connector parameter.
Action: Use the Configuration Editor to identify and replace the invalid
Connector parameter.
Ethernet CAM load failed
Meaning: SONIC hardware fault.
Action: HP series 200 or 400 router: Replace the router.
HP Router 650: Replace the interface card.
Ethernet circuit assigned to multiple lines
Meaning: The same Ethernet circuit has been assigned to multiple lines.
Action: Modify the configuration to ensure that circuits are assigned to only one
Event Log Messages
dev: Device Event Messages