! Repeating the Previous NCL Command
Use the exclamation mark (the [!] key) to repeat the previous NCL
command once or a number of times.
[repetitions] (optional) specifies how many times to repeat the
previous command. If you do not specify a number, it is repeated
only once.
get lb.ether1g.recv ! Repeats the Get command for an
updated bridge packet count.
Atping: Sending an AppleTalk Echo Protocol
Request Message
Use NCL’s Atping command to send an AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP)
request message to a specific AppleTalk node address, as a
network-layer test of the reachability of the node.
atping X.X [wait]
X.X is the AppleTalk address (network number and node identi-
fier) of the target.
[wait](optional) is how many seconds to wait for a response. If
an integer is not included, the response must be received in five
seconds to be successful.
atping 178.46 5 Sends AEP request and waits 5 seconds for reply.
atping 178.46 1 Sends AEP request and waits 1 second for reply.
Using the Network Control Language
Managing Router Operations and Resources