Pathnames for the List and Get commands are constructed as shown in
the following examples:
get config.version.0
list config.key.*
list config.cct_table.*
get config.ip_table.ip_iftbl_entry.*
get #
version[0] contains the operating code version number (also known
as software or firmware). For example, a software version such as
A.08.01 is described as follows:
A the function set available in your router
08 the common release number
01 updates to the current common release
The Key variables inform you of whether a particular variable can be
configured on the router. For each of the variables:
A value of 1 means the service can be configured
A value of 0 means the service is not available for configuration on
this model router
at AppleTalk routing service
drs DECnet routing service
fr Frame Relay circuit services
ip IP routing service (the TCP/IP protocol suite)
ipx IPX routing service
Management Information Base Variables
config: Configuration Information Base