Too many V.35 circuits configured
Meaning: The configuration contains an excessive number of V.35 line records.
Action: Modify the line configuration.
Total bandwidth reserved not 100% (
% cfg’ed)
Meaning: The bandwidth reserved for each of the priorities for the WAN circuit
does not add up to 100%.
Action: Make sure the three percentages configured in the Bandwidth
Reservation record for the given WAN circuit add up to 100.
IV.35 circuit record missing
Meaning: A circuit cct has not been configured.
Action: Modify the configuration to ensure that it includes circuit records for
WAN Port
failed self-test
Meaning: Hardware error.
Action: HP series 200 or 400 router: Replace the router.
HP router 650: Replace the interface card.
out of range in line record
Meaning: The configuration contains an invalid transceiver number.
Action: Modify the lines configuration.
Event Log Messages
dev: Device Event Messages