HP (Hewlett-Packard) 200 Network Router User Manual

Parameters and Options
Connect retry count
Sets the number of times per phone number that the router tries to establish a
connection if the initial call attempt fails. The range is 1 (try only once) to 30. Where
multiple phone numbers are specified, they will be used in a circular fashion. For
example, if you set Connect retry count to 3, the router makes up to three call
attempts for each outbound phone number you provide. If the router is unsuccessful
in establishing a connection, the internal record of connect attempts is reset to zero
and an error log message is sent to the error log file. This value overrides the
Connect retry count parameter configured for v.25 bis under the Circuits menu.
Default: Use Circuit defined count
Range: 1 to 30
Connect wait time
Sets how long to wait after trying to make a call for the actual connection to be
established. If the connection is not established within the specified time, the router
drops DTR and retries the call. (‘‘Retry’’ means to bring the DTR line back up.) This
pattern repeats until either the router makes the connection or the specified number
of retries is reached. This value overrides the Connect wait time parameter
configured for v.25 bis under the Circuits menu.
Default: Use Circuit defined time
Range: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 255, Infinity
Hold down time
Hold down time (sec) is used when there is a failure to establish a v.25 bis
connection for this virtual circuit. After a connection failure (retrys have been
exhausted), the IP map cannot be re-used until the hold down time has passed. This
prevents a circuit from continuously retrying on a remote that it cannot reach at
present. The resolution of this parameter is in seconds (between 0 and 720 seconds),
or you can select Leave map down on failure. In this case, the map cannot be used
until you execute the NCL Enipmap command.
Default: 10
Range: 0 – 720; Leave map down on failure
V.25 bis
V.25 bis Network Mapping
Parameters and Options