mib: Internet MIB
This IP routing information base, the “mib” branch, within the private-
enterprise section, contains the same variables as the standard Internet
MIB I section, as defined in Internet Request for Comments (RFC) 1156.
The variables in the private-enterprise section have different names but
have the same identification codes (following the private-enterprise
prefix “”) as the router variables in the standard MIB
NCL’s Rgets and Rgetms commands are the most efficient means to
obtain the values of variables within the standard Internet MIB. Rgeta,
Rgeti, and Rgetr can be used to retrieve specific MIB addressing and
routing tables. List and Get, however, can be used to obtain the
pathnames, variables, and their values, from this “mib” branch within
the private-enterprise section. (See chapter 15 for these commands.)
Management Information Base Variables
mib: Internet MIB