Intel® PXA26x Processor Family Developer’s Manual 7-49
Liquid Crystal Display Controller TMED Frame Number Adjuster Enable (FNAME)
The frame number adjuster enable bit allows the frame number adjuster to add an offset to the
current frame number before the value is sent through the algorithm. Setting this bit enables the
addition of the current frame number to a value composed from the row and column counters. This
value comes from one of the two look up matrices which is selected by TMED[FNAM]. TMED Color Offset Adjuster Enable (COAE)
COAE enables the color offset adjuster for each color. The color offset adjuster creates the offset in
the lower boundary in the TMED algorithm (refer to Section 7.3.3, “Temporal Modulated Energy
Distribution (TMED) Dithering” on page 7-6). The offset is created by adding either the output of
the lookup matrix (input was the color value) or‘00’ to the seed value in the TSR for that color. The
color offset adjuster for each color can be disabled by clearing this bit. When cleared, this bit
allows only the seed register value to go through the algorithm. TMED Frame Number Adjuster Matrix (FNAM)
FNAM selects which matrix is used with the frame number adjuster. A 1 selects the (suggested)
TMED2 matrix, and a 0 selects the older TMED matrix. TMED Color Offset Adjuster Matrix (COAM)
COAM selects which matrix is used when using the color offset adjuster. A 1 selects the
(suggested) TMED2 matrix, and a 0 selects the older TMED matrix.
7.6.11 LCD Controller Register Summary
Table 7-16 shows the registers associated with the LCD controller and their physical addresses.
Access all LCD registers as 32-bit values.
Table 7-16. LCD Controller Register Locations (Sheet 1 of 2)
Address Name Description
0x4400 0000 LCCR0 LCD controller control register 0
0x4400 0004 LCCR1 LCD controller control register 1
0x4400 0008 LCCR2 LCD controller control register 2
0x4400 000C LCCR3 LCD controller control register 3
0x4400 0020 FBR0 DMA channel 0 frame branch register
0x4400 0024 FBR1 DMA channel 1 frame branch register
0x4400 0038 LCSR LCD controller status register
0x4400 003C LIIDR LCD controller interrupt ID register
0x4400 0040 TRGBR TMED RGB Seed Register
0x4400 0044 TCR TMED Control Register
0x4400 0200 FDADR0 DMA channel 0 frame descriptor address register
0x4400 0204 FSADR0 DMA channel 0 frame source address register
0x4400 0208 FIDR0 DMA channel 0 frame ID register