CALCulate Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Response: 1
Sets or queries the type of data windowing (or shaping) to use prior to the FFT
transformation. The FFT window acts as a bandpass filter. The window types
and their typical use follow:
H BHARris — Widest pass band and lowest side lobes. Best for viewing a
broad spectrum.
H BLACkman — Best window for measuring the amplitude of frequencies but
worst at resolving frequencies.
H HAMMing — Very good window for resolving frequencies that are very
close to the same value with somewhat improved amplitude accuracy over
the rectangular window.
H HANNing — Very good window for measuring amplitude accuracy but
degraded for resolving frequencies.
H RECTangular — Best type of window for resolving frequencies that are very
close to the same value but worst for the accuracy of amplitude for those
frequencies. Best type for measuring the frequency spectrum of nonrepetitive
signals and measuring frequency components near DC.
H TRIangular — Least attenuation of side lobes. The triangular window is the
convolution of two rectangles half the width of the window.
For more information on the FFT function and the use of window filters, refer to
the TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers User Manual.
CALCulate<n>:TRANsform:FREQuency:WINDow <window>
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