status registers ST0 and ST1
addresses and reset values A-2
bits 3-15
clear control bit (CLRC instruction) 7-62
introduction 3-15
load (LST instruction) 7-87
load data page pointer (LDP instruction) 7-83
modify auxiliary register pointer (MAR instruc-
tion) 7-111
quick reference A-5
set control bit (SETC instruction) 7-155
set product shift mode (SPM instruction) 7-167
store (SST instruction) 7-172
STB bit 10-8
(external access active strobe) 4-3
SUB instruction 7-174
SUBB instruction 7-178
SUBC instruction 7-180
SUBS instruction 7-182
SUBT instruction 7-184
accumulator instructions
SXM (sign-extension mode bit)
definition 3-17
effect on CALU (central arithmetic logic
unit) 3-9
effect on input shifter 3-4
synchronous serial port
See also
synchronous serial port registers
basic operation 9-6
bit input from CLKR pin (IN0 bit) 9-10
block diagram 9-3
burst mode (introduction) 9-12
CLKR pin as bit input (IN0 bit) 9-10
clock source for transmission (MCM bit) 9-12
components 9-3
configuration 9-8
continuous mode (introduction) 9-12
controlling and resetting 9-8
digital loopback mode 9-28
emulation modes 9-8, 9-28
error conditions
burst mode 9-29
continuous mode 9-29
features 9-1
synchronous serial port
FIFO buffers
detecting data in receive FIFO buffer (RFNE
bit) 9-9
detecting empty transmit FIFO buffer (TCOMP
bit) 9-9
introduction 9-5
managing contents with SDTR 9-15
frame sync modes (FSM bit) 9-12
frame sync source for transmission (TXM
bit) 9-13
interrupts (XINT and RINT)
flag bits 5-21
mask bits 5-23
priorities 5-16
receive (RINT) 9-6
controlling (FR1 and FR0 bits) 9-10
transmit (XINT) 9-6
controlling (FT1 and FT0 bits) 9-9
using 9-13
vector locations 5-16
introduction 2-12
overflow in receiver
burst mode 9-29
continuous mode 9-30
detecting (OVF bit) 9-10
overview 9-2
pins 9-4
receiver operation 9-24
burst mode 9-24
continuous mode 9-25
registers (overview) 9-5
reset conditions 5-34
resetting 9-13
receiver (RRST bit) 9-10
transmitter (XRST bit) 9-10
selecting mode of operation 9-12
selecting transmit clock source 9-12
selecting transmit frame sync source 9-12
signals 9-3
testing 9-27
transmitter operation 9-16
burst mode with external frame sync 9-18
burst mode with internal frame sync 9-16
continuous mode with external frame
sync 9-22
continuous mode with internal frame
sync 9-20