MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Min Participants Define the total number of participants for which the
system reserves resources. This number should
include the number of defined participants as well as
undefined participants. For example, if the
conference includes two defined participants (dial-in
or dial-out) and you want the system to reserve
resources for three additional undefined participants,
enter 5 in the Min Participants box.
If you enter 0, no resources will be reserved for the
conference. However, participants will be able to
connect to the conference if resources are available.
Note: The number of participants who can connect
to the conference is limited by Max Participants limit
- if defined, or by the maximum number of
participants per conference supported by the MCU.
Max Participants Define the total number of participants who can
connect to the conference at one time, taking into
account both the defined and undefined participants.
This option saves resources for other conferences.
When set to Auto, the maximum number of
participants is determined by the maximum number
of participants in a conference supported by the
MCU, or by the availability of the MCU resources.
Participants File
Displays the full path and file name of the selected
database or Participant Template file from which the
Pre-Defined Participants list is read. When the On
Going Conference is defined, the system
automatically lists the Participant templates in the
last used list/file.
• To select participants from the database, click the
From Database button. For a detailed
description of the participants from the database
options, see “To add participants from the
database:” on page 4-69.
• To select a participants from a Participant
Template file, click the Browse button.
• To list participants defined in an LDAP
compatible directory, click the Directory button.
Table 4-8: Conference Properties - Participants Options (Continued)
Field/Option Description