Chapter 10 - Lecture and Presentation Options
Lecture Show
The Lecture Show feature offers users the possibility of hearing or viewing a
broadcast without participating in the conference, as they can only hear and
see the lecturer. The participant hears the conference/broadcast and is unable
to interact or communicate, visually or verbally, as his/her audio and video
channels are automatically muted. The lecturer or moderator is not able to
receive any video or audio from any of the participants during the broadcast
of the lecture/show.
Lecture Show Guidelines:
• Requires the selection of one participant as conference lecturer
• Lecturer selection is mandatory at the reservation stage. The lecturer
cannot be changed or deleted during the On Going Conference
• All participants excluding the lecturer have their audio and video
automatically muted by the MCU. Participants can only hear and see the
• Full screen (1x1) format is the only layout that may be selected for the
Lecture Show
• Participants connecting to the conference prior to the lecturer/moderator
logon, hear and see only themselves
Lecture Show Definition
When defining a new On Going Conference, Reservation or Reservation
template set the conference as a Standard conference and define the
Conference Properties - General, Schedule, Settings and Participants,
parameters as described in Chapter 4, “Defining a New Video Conference” on
page 4-35.
You must first add a defined participant (from the Participants Tab) to attend
the conference prior to selecting the Video Sources tab and enabling the
Lecture Show option.
To define a new Lecture Show conference:
1. Click the Participants tab.
The Conference Properties – Participants dialog box opens.