Chapter 8 - Entry Queues, Operator Conferences, and Attended Conferencing
Conferences List
Note: if the participant’s destination conference is
known, for example when the participant has
requested help, the destination (Home) conference
is automatically listed. Click the To Home Conf
button to move the participant back to his/her
original conference.
New Conference Click this button to create a new On Going
Conference and move this participant to it.
The Conference Properties - General dialog box
opens, letting you define the conference
Start Meeting
You can move a participant to a Meeting Room only
if the Meeting Room is active. However, the first
participant connecting to the Meeting Room cannot
be moved from the attended Participants Queue to
the Meeting Room unless it is first manually
To manually activate a Meeting Room:
1. In the Search In list, select an option to list
Meeting Rooms.
2. In the Conferences list, select the Meeting Room
to activate and then click the Start Meeting
Room button.
Auto Attend Next
Select this check box to automatically attend to the
next participant in line. When the current attended
participant is moved to his/her destination or Home
conference, the system automatically moves the
next participant in line to the Operator conference.
The sequential order of participants in the queue is
determined by the Next By selection.
Table 8-5: Attended Participant Dialog Box Fields (Continued)
Field/Option Description