Chapter 1 - Before You Begin
When learning the MGC Manager application, it is important for you to
correctly interpret the terms and conventions used in this Guide:
• “Choose” or “Double-click” is used when you need to activate a menu
command or a command button in the dialog box.
• “Select” or “Click” is used to highlight a part of the window, dialog box
or menu that you want to be changed with your next action.
• “Right-click” is used when you press and release the right mouse button
to open a pop-up menu.
• “Choose OK” means that you can either click the OK button with the
mouse, or press the <Enter> key on the keyboard.
• Keyboard keys appear in capital letters, between these two symbols < >.
For example, the Shift key appears as <Shift>.
• The plus sign (+) between two key names indicates that you must press
and hold down one key while pressing down the second key. For
example, “press <Alt>+<P>” means that you press and hold down the
Alt key while you press the P key.
• Bold type appearing in the text or in a procedure indicates the word or
the character that you should type into a text box. Bold type is also used
to indicate the name of a menu item or command that you should select.
• Italic type appearing in the text or in a procedure indicates the name of
an icon, a menu, a dialog box or a field from which an option should be
selected or into which parameters should be entered.
• Tips and notes are indicated by an icon and appear in a special format on
a gray background. For example:
This is an example of the type of note that you encounter in this User Guide.