Chapter 3 - MGC Manager Basics
Viewing Conference Lists
Each MCU has three conference lists assigned to it. All conferences that are
currently running are detailed in the On Going Conferences list. All
conference reservations defined on the MCU are stored in the Reservations
list. “Passive” conferences, which are activated when the first participant
connects to the conference, are listed under Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues &
SIP Factories.
Before performing the following procedures, connect to the MCU whose
conference lists you want to display.
To view an MCU’s list of On Going Conferences:
1. In the Browser pane, expand the MCU tree to display its options.
2. Double-click the On Going Conferences icon, or click the plus [+] icon
next to the On Going Conferences icon.
All currently running conferences are listed below the On Going
Conferences icon. Each conference is identified by an icon and a name.
On first entry, or if no conferences are running, the On Going
Conferences list is empty.
To view an MCU’s list of reserved conferences:
1. In the Browser pane, expand the MCU tree to display its options.
2. Double-click the Reservations icon, or click the plus [+] icon next to the
Reservations icon.
A list of reserved conferences is displayed below the Reservations icon.
Each reservation is identified by an icon and a name. For recurrent