Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
Special management tools are available to speed up and facilitate the
operator’s work while assisting the participants waiting in the queue.
To display the participants waiting in the Participants Queue:
1. Connect to the MCU and expand its options tree.
2. Expand the Participants Queue icon to list the participants in the
Browser pane or click the Participants Queue icon to display the list in
the Status pane.
Alternatively, click the Participants Queue button in the main
toolbar to display the participants waiting in the queue in a separate
For the detailed description of the Participants Queue tools and
management, see “Listing Participants in the Participants Queue
Window” on page 8-40.
• An Operator conference must be running in order to monitor the Participants
Queue. If no On Going Operator Conference is active, the operator will not be
able to attend to the participants waiting in the queue.
• Only the participants in an IVR-enabled conference, in which the Enable
Operators Assistance option is activated for the IVR Service, can request
help during the conference.
• Only the participants in an Entry Queue or IVR-enabled conference that is set
for the Attended mode (On-hold for Operator Assistance, selected in the IVR
Service Properties Welcome Message tab), are automatically moved to the
Participants Queue when connecting to the conference.