SONET/SDH | 1009
Configuring Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
Maximum Transmission Unit is an integer value that represents the greatest number of bytes that any given
interface on the system can handle. MTU settings allow the router to determine if a large packet needs to
be fragmented before transmission. PPP must be enabled on a SONET interface before MTU can become
configurable. MTU size can be changed in INTERFACE mode by entering the command
mtu size.
Figure 49-1. MTU configuration display
10GE WAN Physical Interface
10GE interfaces support LAN and WAN modes. When in WAN mode, the 10GE interface operates as a
SONET interface. Use the
wanport command in INTERFACE mode to transition a 10GE interface into
WAN mode.
Note that the port must be in shutdown state before the
wanport command can be executed successfully.
(Figure 49-2).
Note: For E-Series ExaScale systems, you must configure all the ports in a port-pipe to either WANPHY
or non-WANPHY. They cannot be mixed on the same port-pipe. If you configure port 3 for example to be
a WANPHY port then ports 0-4 (same port pipe) all must be WANPHY as well.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Place the port in shutdown state
2 Place the port in WAN mode
3 Display the active/defective alarms
show controllers tengigabitethernet slot/
interface SONET 0/0
no shutdown
FTOS(conf-if-so-0/0)#encap ?
ppp PPP encapsulation
FTOS(conf-if-so-0/0)#encap ppp
FTOS(conf-if-so-0/0)#mtu ?
<8-9252> POS MTU size (default = 4506)
FTOS(conf-if-so-0/0)#ip mtu ?
<576-9230> Interface IP MTU (default is 1500)