Routing Information Protocol | 879
Configuration Task List for RIP
• Enable RIP globally on page 879 (mandatory)
• Configure RIP on interfaces on page 880 (optional)
• Control RIP routing updates on page 881 (optional)
• Set send and receive version on page 882 (optional)
• Generate a default route on page 884 (optional)
• Control route metrics on page 885 (optional)
• Summarize routes on page 884 (optional)
• Control route metrics on page 885
• Debug RIP on page 885
For a complete listing of all commands related to RIP, refer to the
FTOS Command Reference.
Enable RIP globally
By default, RIP is not enabled in FTOS. To enable RIP, use the following commands in sequence, starting
in the CONFIGURATION mode:
After designating networks with which the system is to exchange RIP information, ensure that all devices
on that network are configured to exchange RIP information.
The FTOS default is to send RIPv1, and to receive RIPv1 and RIPv2. To change the RIP version globally,
use the
version command in the ROUTER RIP mode.
When RIP is enabled, you can view the global RIP configuration by using the
show running-config
command in the EXEC mode or the
show config command (Figure ) in the ROUTER RIP mode.
Figure 42-1. show config Command Example in ROUTER RIP mode
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
router rip
CONFIGURATION Enter ROUTER RIP mode and enable the RIP process
on FTOS.
network ip-address ROUTER RIP Assign an IP network address as a RIP network to
exchange routing information.
You can use this command multiple times to exchange
RIP information with as many RIP networks as you
FTOS(conf-router_rip)#show config
router rip