802.3ah | 99
Adjust the OAMPDU Transmission Parameters
Link Performance Event Monitoring
Link Performance Event Monitoring OAM monitors the receive side of a link for a set of pre-defined
errors and executes an action when a threshold is exceeded; it is enabled by default. Both peers on the link
must be have link performance event monitoring enabled for discovery to complete.
There is a high and low threshold for each pre-defined error; an event occurs when any threshold is
exceeded. FTOS periodically polls hardware registers for the current frame and symbol error count. If an
interface exceeds a threshold, a notification is sent to the peer and the interface is placed in error-disabled
• Enable Error Monitoring on page 99
• Execute an Action upon Exceeding the High Threshold on page 102
Enable Error Monitoring
The polling interval for Link Performance Monitoring is 100 milliseconds.
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Specify a the maximum or minimum
number of OAMPDUs to be sent per
ethernet oam [max-rate value | min-rate value]
Range: 1-10
Default: 10
Set the transmission mode to active or
ethernet oam mode {active | passive}
Default: Active
Specify the amount of time that the
system waits to receive an OAMPDU
from a peer before considering it
ethernet oam timeout value
Range: 2-30 seconds
Default: 5 seconds
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Start (or stop) Link Performance
Monitoring on an interface.
ethernet oam link-monitor on
no ethernet oam link-monitor on
Default: Enabled
Enable (or disable) support for Link
Performance Monitoring on an interface.
ethernet oam link-monitor supported
no ethernet oam link-monitor supported
Default: Enabled