Port Monitoring | 825
To remove the remote-port mirroring assignment from a VLAN, enter the no mode
remote-port-mirroring command.
Configure a dedicated L2 VLAN for Remote Port Mirroring
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Task
1 interface vlan vlan-id CONFIGURATION Create a VLAN to transport mirrored traffic in remote
port mirroring.
Valid vlan-id values are 1 to 4094. The default VLAN
ID is not supported.
VLAN INTERFACE Configure the dedicated L2 VLAN to be used to
transport mirrored traffic in remote port mirroring.
tagged interface VLAN INTERFACE Configure a tagged port to carry mirrored traffic in the
reserved VLAN.
Repeat this command to configure additional tagged
ports for the VLAN.
4 Repeat Steps 1 to 3 on source, intermediate, and destination switches on which mirrored traffic in the reserved L2
VLAN is transmitted (see Figure 38-11 and Figure 38-12).
Configure a Source Session on Multiple Switches
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Task
1 monitor session session-id CONFIGURATION Configure a new remote-port mirroring session or add
or delete source ports from an existing session, and
enter Monitor Session configuration mode.
Up to 4 source sessions are supported on a switch.
Refer to Configuration Notes for information on
datapath limitations.
session-id: Session number used to identify the
mirroring session. Range: 0 - 65535.
2 source {single-interface |
range {interface-list |
interface-range |
mixed-interface-list} |
vlan vlan-id | range {vlan-list |
vlan-range | mixed-vlan-list}}
destination remote-vlan
vlan-id direction {rx | tx |
Configure the source ports, ingress/egress traffic to be
mirrored, and the reserved VLAN used to transport
mirrored traffic.
single-interface specifies one of the following
interface types:
1-Gigabit Ethernet: Enter gigabitethernet slot/port.
10-Gigabit Ethernet: Enter tengigabitethernet slot/
Port channel: Enter port-channel {1-511}.
range interface-list specifies multiple interfaces
separated by a comma and space: single-interface,
single-interface, single-interface...