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WRED can be used in combination with storm control to regulate broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic.
This feature is available through an additional option in command
storm-control [broadcast |
unknown-unicast] at CONFIGURATION. See the FTOS Command Line Reference for information on
using this command.
Using the command
storm-control broadcast 50 out wred-profile, for example, first the total bandwidth that
broadcast traffic can consume is reduced to 50% of line rate. Even though broadcast traffic is restricted, the
rate of outgoing broadcast traffic might be greater than other traffic, and if so, broadcast packets would
consume too much buffer space. So, the
wred-profile option is added to limit the amount of buffer space
that broadcast traffic can consume.
Display Default and Configured WRED Profiles
Display default and configured WRED profiles and their threshold values using the command show qos
from EXEC mode, as shown in Figure 41-14.
Figure 41-14. Displaying WRED Profiles
Display WRED Drop Statistics
Display the number of packets FTOS dropped by WRED Profile using the command show qos statistics
from EXEC Privilege mode, as shown in Figure 41-15.
FTOS#show qos wred-profile
Wred-profile-name min-threshold max-threshold
wred_drop 0 0
wred_ge_y 1000 2000
wred_ge_g 2000 4000
wred_teng_y 4000 8000
wred_teng_g 8000 16000