Stacking S-Series Switches | 1039
Influence Management Unit Selection on an S-Series Stack
Stack Priority is the system variable that FTOS uses to determine which units in the stack will be the
primary and secondary management units. If multiple units tie for highest priority, then the unit with the
highest MAC address prevails.
If management was determined by priority only, a change in management occurs when:
• you powered down, or offline the management unit, or a failover occurs
• you disconnect the management unit from the stack
Manage Redundancy on an S-Series Stack
Reset a Unit on an S-Series Stack
You may reset any stack unit except for the master (Message 2).
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Influence the selection of the stack management units. The unit with the
numerically highest priority is elected the primary management unit,
and the unit with the second highest priority is the secondary
management unit.
Default: 0
Range: 1-14
stack-unit priority
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Reset the current management unit, and make
the secondary management unit the new
primary. A new secondary is elected, and when
the former stack manager comes back online, it
becomes a member unit.
redundancy force-failover stack-unit
EXEC Privilege
Prevent the stack manager from rebooting after
a failover. This command does not affect a
forced failover, manual reset, or a stack-link
redundancy disable-auto-reboot stack-unit
Display redundancy information.
show redundancy
EXEC Privilege
Message 2 Master Reset Disallowed
% Error: Reset of master unit is not allowed.