648 | Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
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To change the region name or revision:
View the current region name and revision using the command
show spanning-tree mst configuration from
EXEC Privilege mode, as shown in Figure 29-6.
Figure 29-6. Viewing the MSTP Region Name and Revision
Modify Global Parameters
The root bridge sets the values for forward-delay, hello-time, max-age, and max-hops and overwrites the
values set on other MSTP bridges.
• Forward-delay is the amount of time an interface waits in the Listening State and the Learning State
before it transitions to the Forwarding State.
• Hello-time is the time interval in which the bridge sends MSTP Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs).
• Max-age is the length of time the bridge maintains configuration information before it refreshes that
information by recomputing the MST topology.
• Max-hops is the maximum number of hops a BPDU can travel before a receiving switch discards it.
To change MSTP parameters, use the following commands on the root bridge:
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Change the region name.
name name
Change the region revision number.
• Range: 0 to 65535
• Default: 0
revision number
Note: Dell Force10 recommends that only experienced network administrators change MSTP parameters.
Poorly planned modification of MSTP parameters can negatively impact network performance.
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Change the forward-delay parameter.
• Range: 4 to 30
• Default: 15 seconds
forward-delay seconds PROTOCOL MSTP
FTOS(conf-mstp)#name my-mstp-region
FTOS(conf)#do show spanning-tree mst config
MST region name: my-mstp-region
Revision: 0
1 100
2 200-300