730 | Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv2 and OSPFv3)
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Redistribute routes
You can add routes from other routing instances or protocols to the OSPFv3 process. With the redistribute
command syntax, you can include RIP, static, or directly connected routes in the OSPF process.
Configure a default route
Configure FTOS to generate a default external route into the OSPFv3 routing domain.
Command Syntax Command Mode Usage
redistribute {bgp | connected |
static} [metric metric-value |
metric-type type-value] [route-map
map-name] [tag tag-value]
CONF-IPV6-ROUTER-OSPF Specify which routes will be redistributed
into OSPF process. Configure the following
required and optional parameters:
• bgp, connected, or static: enter one of
the keyword to redistribute those routes.
• metric metric-value range: 0 to
metric-type metric-type: 1 for OSPFv3
external route type 1 OR 2 for OSPFv3
external route type 2.
route-map map-name: enter a name of
a configured route map.
• tag tag-value range: 0 to 4294967295.
Command Syntax Command Mode Usage
default-information originate
[always [metric metric-value]
[metric-type type-value]]
[route-map map-name]
CONF-IPV6-ROUTER-OSPF Specify the information for the default route.
Configure the following required and
optional parameters:
• always: indicate that default route
information must always be advertised
• metric metric-value range: 0 to
• metric-type metric-type: 1 for OSPFv3
external route type 1 OR 2 for OSPFv3
external route type 2.
• route-map map-name: enter a name of
a configured route map.