IP Access Control Lists (ACL), Prefix Lists, and Route-maps | 143
Figure 8-6. Command Example: show ip accounting access-list
To delete a filter, enter the show config command in the IP ACCESS LIST mode and locate the sequence
number of the filter you want to delete. Then use the
no seq sequence-number command in the IP ACCESS
LIST mode.
Configure an extended IP ACL
Extended IP ACLs filter on source and destination IP addresses, IP host addresses, TCP addresses, TCP
host addresses, UDP addresses, and UDP host addresses.
Since traffic passes through the filter in the order of the filter’s sequence, you can configure the extended
IP ACL by first entering the IP ACCESS LIST mode and then assigning a sequence number to the filter.
Configure filters with sequence number
To create a filter for packets with a specified sequence number, use these commands in the following
sequence, starting in the CONFIGURATION mode:
Note: On E-Series ExaScale systems, TCP ACL flags are not supported in standard or extended ACLs
with IPv6 microcode. An error message is shown if IPv6 microcode is configured and an ACL is entered
with a TCP filter included.
FTOS(conf-ipv6-acl)#seq 8 permit tcp any any urg
May 5 08:32:34: %E90MJ:0 %ACL_AGENT-2-ACL_AGENT_ENTRY_ERROR: Unable to write seq 8 of
list test as individual TCP flags are not supported on linecard 0
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
ip access-list extended
CONFIGURATION Enter the IP ACCESS LIST mode by creating
an extended IP ACL.
FTOS#show ip accounting access example interface gig 4/12
Extended IP access list example
seq 10 deny tcp any any eq 111
seq 15 deny udp any any eq 111
seq 20 deny udp any any eq 2049
seq 25 deny udp any any eq 31337
seq 30 deny tcp any any range 12345 12346
seq 35 permit udp host /28
seq 40 permit udp host /28
seq 45 permit udp /16 /31 range 1812 1813
seq 50 permit tcp /16 /31 eq 49
seq 55 permit udp /24 /31 range 1812 1813