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Enable Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
Specify a Destination MAC Address for BPDUs
By default, FTOS uses a Force10-unique MAC address for tunneling BPDUs. You can configure another
Rate-limit BPDUs on the E-Series
In order to rewrite the destination MAC address on BPDUs, they are forwarded to the RPM. You can
rate-limit BPDUs to protect the RPM, in which case the system drops BPDUs when the threshold is
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Verify that the system is running the default CAM profile;
you must use this CAM profile for L2PT.
show cam-profile
EXEC Privilege
2 Enable protocol tunneling globally on the system.
protocol-tunnel enable
3 Tunnel BPDUs the VLAN.
protocol-tunnel stp
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Overwrite the BPDU with a user-specified destination
MAC address when BPDUs are tunneled across the
provider network.
Default: 01:01:e8:00:00:00
protocol-tunnel destination-mac
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Set a maximum rate at which the RPM will process BPDUs for
Default: 75 pps
E-Series Range: 75 to 3000 pps
protocol-tunnel rate-limit