238 | Border Gateway Protocol IPv4 (BGPv4)
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Figure 10-23. Command example: show ip bgp peer-group
Configure passive peering
When you enable a peer-group, the software sends an OPEN message to initiate a TCP connection. If you
enable passive peering for the peer group, the software does not send an OPEN message, but it will
respond to an OPEN message.
When a BGP neighbor connection with authentication configured is rejected by a passive peer-group,
FTOS does not allow another passive peer-group on the same subnet to connect with the BGP neighbor. To
work around this, change the BGP configuration or change the order of the peer group configuration.
Use these commands in the following sequence, starting in the CONFIGURATION ROUTER BGP mode
to configure passive peering.
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
1 neighbor peer-group-name
peer-group passive [match-af]
Configure a peer group that does not initiate TCP
connections with other peers.
(Optional) Enter the match-af keyword to
restrict the peer adjacency established in the
passive peer group. match-af requires that a
peer’s address family matches the address family
of the subnet assigned to the peer group (Step 2)
before a peering session is brought up.
neighbor peer-group-name subnet
subnet-number mask
Assign a subnet to the peer group. The peer
group will respond to OPEN messages sent on
this subnet.
FTOS#sh ip bgp peer-group
Peer-group test
Fall-over enabled
BGP version 4
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP neighbor is test
Number of peers in this group 1
Peer-group members (* - outbound optimized):*
router bgp 65517
neighbor test peer-group
neighbor test fall-over
neighbor test no shutdown
neighbor remote-as 65517
neighbor fall-over
neighbor update-source Loopback 0
neighbor no shutdown
Fast Fall-Over Indicator