Interfaces | 447
• Changes made do not affect any ongoing debounces. The timer changes take affect from the next
debounce onward.
Assign a debounce time to an interface
Figure 20-28. Setting Debounce Time
Show debounce times in an interface
Figure 20-29. Showing Debounce Time
Disable ports when one only SFM is available (E300 only)
Selected ports can be shut down when a single SFM is available on the E300 system. Each port to be shut
down must be configured individually.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
link debounce time [milliseconds] INTERFACE
Enter the time to delay link status change notification on this
Range: 100-5000 ms
• Default for Copper is 3100 ms
• Default for Fiber is 100 ms
show interface debounce
[type] [slot/
EXEC Privilege
Show the debounce time for the specified interface.
Enter the interface type keyword followed by the type
of interface and slot/port information:
• For a 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword GigabitEthernet followed by the slot/
port information.
• For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
GigabitEthernet followed by the slot/port
• For a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
keyword TenGigabitEthernet followed by the
slot/port information.
Note: FTOS rounds the entered debounce time up to the nearest hundredth.
Note in Figure 20-28 that the timer was set at 150 ms, but appears as 200 in Figure 20-29.
FTOS(conf)#int gi 3/1
FTOS(conf-if-gi-3/1)#link debounce time 150
FTOS#show interfaces debounce gigabitethernet 3/1
Interface Time(ms)
GigabitEthernet 3/1 200