Policy-based Routing | 807
PBR Exceptions (Permit)
Use the command permit to create an exception to a redirect list. Exceptions are used when a forwarding
decision should be based on the routing table rather than a routing policy.
FTOS assigns the first available sequence number to a rule configured without a sequence number and
inserts the rule into the PBR CAM region next to the existing entries. Since the order of rules is important,
ensure that you configure any necessary sequence numbers.
In Figure 37-6, the permit statement is never applied because the redirect list covers all source and
destination IP addresses.
Figure 37-6. Ineffective PBR Exception due to Low Sequence Number
To ensure that the permit statement or PBR exception is effective, use a lower sequence number, as shown
in Figure 37-7.
Figure 37-7. Effective PBR Exception due to Proper Sequencing
ip redirect-list rcl0
seq 5 redirect ip any any
seq 10 permit ip host any
ip redirect-list rcl0
seq 10 permit ip host any
seq 15 redirect ip any any