Remote Monitoring | 893
Remote Monitoring
Remote Monitoring is supported on platform c e s
Remote Monitoring is supported on the E-Series ExaScale platform with FTOS and later.
This chapter describes the Remote Monitoring (RMON):
• Implementation on page 893
• Fault Recovery on page 894
Remote Monitoring (RMON) is an industry-standard implementation that monitors network traffic by
sharing network monitoring information. RMON provides both 32-bit and 64-bit monitoring facility and
long-term statistics collection on Dell Force10 Ethernet Interfaces.
RMON operates with SNMP and monitors all nodes on a LAN segment. RMON monitors traffic passing
through the router and segment traffic not destined for the router. The monitored interfaces may be chosen
by using alarms and events with standard MIBs.
You must configure SNMP prior to setting up RMON. For a complete SNMP implementation discussion,
refer to Chapter 6, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), on page 47.
Configuring RMON requires using the RMON CLI and includes the following tasks:
• Set rmon alarm
• Configure an RMON event
• Configure RMON collection statistics
• Configure RMON collection history
• Enable an RMON MIB collection history group
RMON implements the following standard RFCs (for details see Appendix 63, Standards Compliance):
• RFC-2819
• RFC-3273
• RFC-3434