344 | Force10 Resilient Ring Protocol
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Set FRRP Timers
Clear FRRP counters
Use one of the following commands to clear the FRRP counters.
3 interface primary int
slot/port secondary int
slot/port control-vlan
vlan id
CONFIG-FRRP Assign the Primary and Secondary ports, and the
Control VLAN for the ports on the ring.
• For a 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, enter
the keyword keyword GigabitEthernet
followed by the slot/port information.
• For a Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
GigabitEthernet followed by the
slot/port information
• For a SONET interface, enter the keyword
sonet followed by slot/port information.
• For a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the
TenGigabitEthernet followed by
the slot/port information.
Slot/Port: Slot and Port ID for the interface.
VLAN ID: Identification number of the Control
4 mode transit CONFIG-FRRP Configure a Transit node
5 member-vlan vlan-id
CONFIG-FRRP Identify the Member VLANs for this FRRP
VLAN-ID, Range: VLAN IDs for the ring’s
Member VLANs.
no disable
CONFIG-FRRP Enable this FRRP group on this switch.
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
CONFIG-FRRP Enter the desired intervals for Hello-Interval or
Dead-Interval times.
Hello-Interval: 50-2000, in increments of 50
(default is 500)
Dead-Interval: 50-6000, in increments of 50
(default is 1500)
The Dead-Interval time should be set at 3x the Hello-Interval.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
clear frrp ring-id EXEC PRIVELEGED Clear the counters associated with this Ring ID
Ring ID: 1-255
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose