Configuration Fundamentals | 43
Filtering show Command Outputs
Filter the output of a show command to display specific information by adding | [except | find | grep |
no-more | save
] specified_text after the command. The variable specified_text is the text for which you are
filtering and it IS case sensitive unless the
ignore-case sub-option is implemented.
Starting with FTOS, the
grep command accepts an ignore-case sub-option that forces the search to
case-insensitive. For example, the commands:
• show run | grep Ethernet returns a search result with instances containing a capitalized “Ethernet,”
such as interface GigabitEthernet 0/0.
show run | grep ethernet would not return that search result because it only searches for instances
containing a non-capitalized “ethernet.”
Executing the command
show run | grep Ethernet ignore-case would return instances containing both
“Ethernet” and “ethernet.”
grep displays only the lines containing specified text. Figure 2-9 shows this command used in
combination with the command
show linecard all.
Figure 2-9. Filtering Command Outputs with the grep Command
• except displays text that does not match the specified text. Figure 2-10 shows this command used in
combination with the command
show linecard all.
Figure 2-10. Filtering Command Outputs with the except Command
Note: FTOS accepts a space or no space before and after the pipe. To filter on a phrase with spaces,
underscores, or ranges, enclose the phrase with double quotation marks.
FTOS(conf)#do show linecard all | grep 0
0 not present
FTOS#show linecard all | except 0
-- Line cards --
Slot Status NxtBoot ReqTyp CurTyp Version Ports
2 not present
3 not present
4 not present
5 not present
6 not present