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Figure 20-23. Interface Range Prompt Excluding a Smaller Port Range
Overlap port ranges
If overlapping port ranges are specified, the port range is extended to the smallest start port number and
largest end port number:
Figure 20-24. Interface Range Prompt Including Overlapping Port Ranges
The example below shows how to use commas to add different interface types to the range, enabling all
Gigabit Ethernet interfaces in the range 5/1 to 5/23 and both Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 1/1 and 1/2.
Figure 20-25. Multiple-Range Bulk Configuration Gigabit Ethernet and Ten-Gigabit Ethernet
Add ranges
The example below shows how to use commas to add VLAN and port-channel interfaces to the range.
Figure 20-26. Multiple-Range Bulk Configuration with VLAN, and Port-channel
FTOS(conf)#interface range gigabitethernet 2/0 - 23 , gigab 2/1 - 10
FTOS(conf)#inte ra gi 2/1 - 11 , gi 2/1 - 23
FTOS(config-if)# interface range gigabitethernet 5/1 - 23, tengigabitethernet 1/1 - 2
FTOS(config-if-range-gi-5/1-23)# no shutdown
FTOS(config-ifrange-gi-5/1-23-te-1/1-2)# interface range Vlan 2 – 100 , Port 1 – 25
FTOS(config-if-range-gi-5/1-23-te-1/1-2-so-5/1-vl-2-100-po-1-25)# no shutdown