FTOS XML Feature | 1159
Run an FTOS XML session
Use the following procedure to start, run, and close an FTOS XML session:
Figure 59-1, below, illustrates entering FTOS XML mode. Figure 59-1 on page 1159, below, illustrates the
full sequence of invoking an XML session, entering a command, receiving a success response, and leaving
the session with the
terminal no xml command in XML:
Figure 59-1. Example of Entering FTOS XML mode from the CL
Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
terminal xml
EXEC Privilege Invoke XML interface in Telnet and SSH client
[Construct input to the CLI by
following the XML request schema,
as described in The Form of XML
Requests and Responses on
page 1156.]
FTOS XML Cut and paste your XML request from a text editor
or other type of XML presentation tool, or type your
XML request line by line.
Press Ctrl-Y (or press Enter twice,
creating an empty line).
FTOS XML Execute the request.
Alternatively, to cancel the request (only possible
before sending) and get a fresh XML prompt, press
Press Ctrl-Z (or enter terminal no
as the <command> string in the
XML request <action> schema).
FTOS XML Exit from FTOS XML mode.
FTOS# terminal xml
Enter XML request with CTRL-Y or empty line
Clear XML request with CTRL-C
Exit XML mode with CTRL-Z: