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Figure 10-20. Command example: show config (peer-group enabled
To disable a peer group, use the neighbor peer-group-name shutdown command in the CONFIGURATION
ROUTER BGP mode. The configuration of the peer group is maintained, but it is not applied to the peer
group members. When you disable a peer group, all the peers within the peer group that are in
ESTABLISHED state are moved to IDLE state.
Use the show
ip bgp peer-group command in EXEC Privilege mode (Figure 10-21) to view the status of
peer groups.
FTOS(conf-router_bgp)#neighbor zanzibar no shutdown
FTOS(conf-router_bgp)#show config
router bgp 45
bgp fast-external-fallover
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor zanzibar peer-group
neighbor zanzibar no shutdown
neighbor remote-as 65535
neighbor shutdown
neighbor remote-as 18505
neighbor no shutdown
Enabling neighbor