764 | PIM Sparse-Mode
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Set a Threshold for Switching to the SPT
Set a Threshold for Switching to the SPT is available only on platform: e
Initially, a single PIM-SM tree called a shared tree to distribute traffic. It is called shared because all traffic
for the group, regardless of the source, or the location of the source, must pass through the RP. The shared
tree is unidirectional; that is, all multicast traffic flows only from the RP to the receivers. Once a receiver
receives traffic from the RP, PM-SM switches to shortest path trees (SPT) to forward multicast traffic,
which connects the receiver directly to the source.
You can configure PIM to switch over to the SPT when the router receives multicast packets at or beyond a
specified rate.
PIM-SM Graceful Restart
PIM-SM Graceful Restart is supported only on platform e
PIM-SM Graceful Restart is supported only on platform e
with FTOS and later.
When a PIM neighbor restarts and the liveliness timer for that neighbor expires, the join/prune states
received from the neighbor expire, and the corresponding interfaces are removed from the outgoing list of
multicast entries. The effect of this is that active multicast sessions are brought down.
IPv6 Filter inbound and outbound Bootstrap Router
messages per interface.
ipv6 pim bsr-border
Remove candidate RP advertisements.
clear ip pim rp-mapping
IP Version Task Command Syntax Command Mode
IPv4 Configure PIM to switch over to the
SPT when the multicast packet rate is
at or beyond a specified rate. The
keyword infinity directs PIM to never
switch to the SPT.
ip pim spt-threshold {value | infinity}
Default: 10 kbps
IPv6 Configure PIM to switch over to the
SPT when the multicast packet rate is
at or beyond a specified rate. The
keyword infinity directs PIM to never
switch to the SPT.
ip pim spt-threshold {value | infinity}
Default: 10 kbps
IP Version Task Command Syntax Command Mode