802.1X | 113
To enable 802.1X:
Verify that 802.1X is enabled globally and at interface level using the command
show running-config | find
from EXEC Privilege mode, as shown in Figure 7-5.
Figure 7-5. Verifying 802.1X Global Configuration
View 802.1X configuration information for an interface using the command show dot1x interface, as
shown in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6. Verifying 802.1X Interface Configuration
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Enable 802.1X globally.
dot1x authentication
2 Enter INTERFACE mode on an interface or a range of
interface [range] INTERFACE
3 Enable 802.1X on an interface or a range of interfaces.
dot1x authentication
FTOS#show running-config | find dot1x
dot1x authentication
[output omitted]
interface GigabitEthernet 2/1
ip address
dot1x authentication
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet 2/2
ip address
dot1x authentication
no shutdown
802.1X Enabled
802.1X Enabled on
FTOS#show dot1x interface gigabitethernet 2/1
802.1x information on Gi 2/1:
Dot1x Status: Enable
Port Control: AUTO
Port Auth Status: UNAUTHORIZED
Re-Authentication: Disable
Untagged VLAN id: None
Tx Period: 30 seconds
Quiet Period: 60 seconds
ReAuth Max: 2
Supplicant Timeout: 30 seconds
Server Timeout: 30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval: 3600 seconds
Max-EAP-Req: 2
Auth PAE State: Initialize
Backend State: Initialize
802.1X Enabled on Interface
All ports unauthorized by default