1222 | S-Series Debugging and Diagnostics
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Important Points to Remember
• You can only perform offline diagnostics on an offline standalone unit or offline member unit of a
stack of three or more. You cannot perform diagnostics on the management or standby unit in a stack
of two or more (Message 1).
• Perform offline diagnostics on one stack member at a time.
• Diagnostics only test connectivity, not the entire data path.
• Diagnostic results are stored on the flash of the unit on which you performed the diagnostics.
• When offline diagnostics are complete, the unit or stack member reboots automatically.
Running Offline Diagnostics
1. Place the unit in the offline state using the offline stack-unit command from EXEC Privilege mode, as
shown in Figure 62-1. YOu cannot enter the command on a Master or Standby stack unit.
Figure 62-1. Taking an S-Series Stack Unit Offline
2. Use the show system brief command from EXEC Privilege mode to confirm offline status, as shown in
Figure 62-2.
Message 1 Offline Diagnostics on Master/Standby Error
Running Diagnostics on master/standby unit is not allowed on stack.
The system reboots when the off-line diagnostics complete. This is an automatic process. A warning
message appears when the offline stack-unit command is implemented.
Warning - Diagnostic execution will cause stack-unit to reboot after completion of
Proceed with Offline-Diags [confirm yes/no]:y
FTOS#offline stack-unit 2
Warning - Diagnostic execution will cause stack-unit to reboot after completion of diags.
Proceed with Offline-Diags [confirm yes/no]:y
5w6d12h: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %CHMGR-2-STACKUNIT_DOWN: Stack unit 2 down - stack unit offline
5w6d12h: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Gi 2/1-48
FTOS#5w6d12h: %STKUNIT1-S:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Gi 2/1-48