E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics | 1217
Recognize a high CPU condition
A high CPU condition exists when any of the messages in Message 14 appear.
Configure an action upon a hardware error
You can configure FTOS to take an action if it encounters an BTM, FPC, or MAC hardware error.
Buffer traffic manager hardware errors
FTOS displays Message 15, Message 16, Message 17, or Message 18 depending on the type of BTM error.
In this case, configure an action using the command
hardware monitor linecard asic btm action-on-error.
You may place the line card in a problem state, reset the card, or shutdown all ports on the card.
Message 14 High CPU Condition
Feb 13 13:56:16: %RPM1-S:CP %CHMGR-5-TASK_CPU_THRESHOLD: Cpu usage above threshold for task
"sysAdmTsk"(100.00%) in CP.
Feb 13 13:56:20: %RPM1-S:CP %CHMGR-5-CPU_THRESHOLD: Overall cp cpu usage above threshold.
Cpu5SecUsage (100)
Feb 13 13:56:20: %RPM1-S:CP %CHMGR-5-TASK_CPU_THRESHOLD_CLR: Cpu usage drops below threshold
for task "sysAdmTsk"(0.00%) in CP.
Message 15 Queue Memory Error
%RPM0-P:CP %CHMGR-1-QMERR_RDBE: (0x30004) Double bit error detected in SRAM pointer memory on
Ingress BTM port-pipe 0 Line card slot 9.
%RPM0-P:CP %CHMGR-1-QMERR_RDBE: (0x30004) Double bit error detected in SRAM pointer memory on
Egress BTM port-pipe 0 Line card slot 9.
Message 16 Buffer Memory Error
RPM0-P:CP %CHMGR-3-BM_STATUS_DBE: Double-bit error detected when reading internal header from
buffer memory on Ingress BTM port-pipe 0 Line card slot 9. Check for temporary or sustained
packet loss with show hardware commands.
%RPM0-P:CP %CHMGR-3-BM_STATUS_DBE: Double-bit error detected when reading internal header
from buffer memory on Egress BTM port-pipe 0 Line card slot 9. Check for temporary or
sustained packet loss with show hardware commands.