1080 | System Time and Date
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Set the timezone
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the time standard based on the International Atomic Time standard,
commonly known as Greenwich Mean time. When determining system time, you must include the
differentiator between UTC and your local timezone. For example, San Jose, CA is the Pacific Timezone
with a UTC offset of -8.
Set daylight savings time
FTOS supports setting the system to daylight savings time once or on a recurring basis every year.
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
clock timezone timezone-name offset CONFIGURATION Set the clock to the appropriate timezone.
timezone-name: Enter the name of the timezone. Do
not use spaces.
offset: Enter one of the following:
• a number from 1 to 23 as the number of hours in
addition to UTC for the timezone.
• a minus sign (-) followed by a number from 1 to 23 as
the number of hours
FTOS(conf)#clock timezone Pacific -8
FTOS(conf)#01:40:19: %RPM0-P:CP %CLOCK-6-TIME CHANGE: Timezone
configuration changed from "UTC 0 hrs 0 mins" to "Pacific -8 hrs
0 mins"