374 | GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
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Figure 17-1. GVRP Compatibility Error Message
Configuring GVRP
Globally, enable GVRP on each switch to facilitate GVRP communications. Then, GVRP configuration is
per interface on a switch-by-switch basis. Enable GVRP on each port that connects to a switch where you
want GVRP information exchanged. In Figure 17-2, that kind of port is referred to as a VLAN trunk port,
but it is not necessary to specifically identify to FTOS that the port is a trunk port, as described in
Chapter 18, VLAN Stacking, on page 367.
FTOS(conf)#protocol spanning-tree pvst
FTOS(conf-pvst)#no disable
% Error: GVRP running. Cannot enable PVST.
FTOS(conf)#protocol spanning-tree mstp
FTOS(conf-mstp)#no disable
% Error: GVRP running. Cannot enable MSTP.
FTOS(conf)#protocol gvrp
FTOS(conf-gvrp)#no disable
% Error: PVST running. Cannot enable GVRP.
% Error: MSTP running. Cannot enable GVRP.