Power over Ethernet | 799
Figure 36-13. Classifying VOIP Traffic and Applying QoS Policies for an Office VOIP Deployment
FTOS#sh run acl
ip access-list extended pc-subnet
seq 5 permit ip any
ip access-list extended phone-signalling
seq 5 permit ip host
ip access-list extended phone-subnet
seq 5 permit ip any
FTOS#sh run class-map
class-map match-any pc-subnet
match ip access-group pc-subnet
class-map match-any phone-signalling
match ip access-group phone-signalling
class-map match-any phone-subnet
match ip access-group phone-subnet
FTOS#sh run policy-map-input
policy-map-input phone-pc
service-queue 1 class-map pc-subnet
service-queue 2 class-map phone-signalling
service-queue 3 class-map phone-subnet
FTOS#sh run qos-policy-output
qos-policy-output data
bandwidth-weight 8
qos-policy-output signalling
bandwidth-weight 64
FTOS#sh run policy-map-output
policy-map-output BW
service-queue 1 qos-policy data
service-queue 2 qos-policy signalling
FTOS#sh run | grep strict-p
strict-priority unicast 3
FTOS#sh run int gi 6/10
interface GigabitEthernet 6/10
description "IP Phone X”
no ip address
portmode hybrid
service-policy input phone-pc
power inline auto
no shutdown
FTOS#sh run int gi 6/2
interface GigabitEthernet 6/2
description "Uplink to E1200"
no ip address
service-policy output BW
no shutdown