1092 | Uplink Failure Detection (UFD)
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Displaying Uplink Failure Detection
To display information on the Uplink Failure Detection feature, enter any of the following show
Show Command Syntax Description
show uplink-state-group [group-id] [detail]
Command Mode: EXEC
Displays status information on a specified uplink-state group or all
groups. Valid group-id values are 1 to 16.
detail displays additional status information on the upstream and
downstream interfaces in each group (see Figure 54-3).
show interfaces interface
Command Mode: EXEC
Displays the current status of a port or port-channel interface assigned
to an uplink-state group.
interface specifies one of the following interface types:
Fast Ethernet: Enter fastethernet slot/port.
1-Gigabit Ethernet: Enter gigabitethernet slot/port.
10-Gigabit Ethernet: Enter tengigabitethernet slot/port.
Port channel: Enter port-channel {1-512}.
If a downstream interface in an uplink-state group has been disabled
(Oper Down state) by uplink-state tracking because an upstream port
went down, the message error-disabled[UFD] is displayed in the
output (see Figure 54-4).
show running-config uplink-state-group
Command Mode: EXEC
show configuration
Displays the current configuration of all uplink-state groups
(Figure 54-5) or a specified group (Figure 54-6).
Valid group-id values are 1 to 16.