
Managing Media
Modifying Media Descriptions
Chapter 4 127
Modifying Media Descriptions
What Is a
The media description helps you identify media. You can define a media
description when you format new media. The initial description is
written on the media and to the IDB.
If media were auto-formatted during backup, you may want to change
the automatically-created description to something better suited to your
needs. The revised description information will only be written to the
NOTE When you modify a media description, Data Protector modifies the
description in the IDB and not on the medium itself.
Therefore, if you export and import media that have note been updated,
the description in the IDB is replaced with the description from the
Media Label The media label is composed of the user-defined description and the
barcode of the medium (if the medium has a barcode and the Barcode
Reader Support option is enabled). For example, [CW8279]Default
DLT_1 is the media label with the Default DLT_1 description and the
CW8279 barcode. If the media description is changed, the descriptive
part of the media label is changed too, but the barcode part remains the
How to Modify a
Media Description
Modify a media description in the General property page for the medium.
For detailed steps, refer to the online Help index keyword “modifying,
media descriptions”.
Using Cartridge
With Cartridge Memory enabled LTO drive(s) used with Cartridge
Memory enabled media, you can also update the medium description on
the medium Cartridge Memory. This way, the description is not lost
when you export or import the medium (it will be retrieved from the
Cartridge Memory).