Introducing Data Protector
The Data Protector Cell Environment
Chapter 1 3
The Data Protector Cell Environment
The Data Protector cell is a network environment containing a Cell
Manager, clients, and backup devices. The Cell Manager has the
main Data Protector control software installed and is the central point
from which the cell is administered and backup and restore operations
are controlled. Systems that are to be backed up can be added to the cell
and set up as Data Protector clients. When Data Protector performs a
backup of data from these clients, it saves the data to media (such as
magnetic tapes, or hard disks) contained within backup devices.
The Data Protector Internal Database (IDB) keeps track of the files
backed up, making it is easy to browse and restore them, either singly or
The Cell Manager is the main control center for the cell and contains
the IDB. It runs the core Data Protector software and the Session
Manager, which starts and stops backup and restore sessions and writes
session information to the IDB.
Any system within a chosen cell environment can be set up as a Data
Protector client. Essentially, a client is a system that can be backed up,
a system connected to a backup device with which the backup data can
be saved, or both. The role of the client depends on whether it has a Disk
Agent or a Media Agent installed.
A client that will be backed up using Data Protector must have a Disk
Agent installed. Data Protector controls the access to the disk. The Disk
Agent lets you back up information from, or restore information to, the
client system.
A client system with connected backup devices must have a Media
Agent installed. This software controls the access to the backup device.
The Media Agent controls reading from and writing to a backup device’s
A backup device performs the actual recording of backup data to a
recording medium, and the retrieval of restore data from a medium.
The physical object upon which the data is recorded, such as a DAT tape
or a hard disk, is called the backup medium.